Sodium bicarbonate (also called baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, or sodium hydrogen carbonate) is a white, crystalline solid compound with the chemical formula NaHCO3. It is very soluble in water, and has a slight alkaline taste resembling that of sodium carbonate.
Sodium bicarbonate in gastronomy
Sodium bicarbonate is primarily used in baking, where it reacts with other components to release CO2. This helps dough to rise and gives it flavor and volume.
The acidic compounds that induce this reaction include potassium bitartrate (also known as cream of tartar), lemon juice, yogurt, acetic acid (vinegar), etc. Some forms of baking powder contain baking soda combined with cream of tartar. There are nutritionists, like Britain’s Erica White, who oppose making this combination in the kitchen, because they consider cream of tartar to be a toxic substance.
Sodium bicarbonate is also used when preparing tomato sauce to neutralize the acidity of the tomatoes, and is added when soaking beans to eliminate gas before preparation. A small amount can be added to a stew to make tough meat tender more rapidly. However, this is not a substitute for simply boiling the meat longer. Baking soda is also used in pretzels to give them their brown color, and is used to soften very hard food.
Sodium bicarbonate for domestic purposes
Sodium bicarbonate deodorizer
You can have very white teeth if you use sodium bicarbonate when brushing your teeth. Simply apply a bit of sodium bicarbonate to a damp toothbrush before you brush. Mixed with toothpaste, sodium bicarbonate eliminates bad breath (this mixture potentially decalcifies or softens teeth, so it should be used with caution.)
Sodium bicarbonate can be used to clean the microwave to prevent odors. Place a box of sodium bicarbonate in the refrigerator to prevent odors caused by moisture. For this purpose, the box should be left uncovered. However, if you use sodium bicarbonate in a refrigerator, non-moisture odors are not absorbed.
Work sodium bicarbonate into your hands to remove strong odors such as fish or garlic. Clean vegetables with sodium bicarbonate, which does not leave an odor.
Use sodium bicarbonate instead of talc to prevent foot odor. Boil water then add bay laurel and sodium bicarbonate to make a foot bath that eliminates foot odor.
Sodium bicarbonate can be used to remove the odor that a thermos takes on after not being used for a long time with the lid closed. It can also be used as a deodorant when applied under the arms. To make things white, mix sodium bicarbonate with lavender essential oil.
Sodium bicarbonate in pest control
To kill fleas, mix sodium bicarbonate with salt and spread over carpets, working it in until the mixture is not visible and, after 24 hours, vacuum. The fleas will die of thirst. Repeat three times.
Sodium bicarbonate as a cleanser
Wash brushes and combs with sodium bicarbonate to prevent residues. Make a paste and clean the sole plate of an iron. Clean kool-aid, red wine and coffee stains with sodium bicarbonate.
Sodium bicarbonate in cosmetic, neutralizer, other uses
Sodium bicarbonate in cosmetics
Putting some sodium bicarbonate in shampoo removes product residues and makes your hair shiny. Wash your face with a little sodium bicarbonate and water to clean pores and prevent acne. Mix it with oats to make a scrub to soften sensitive skin. Put sodium bicarbonate in oily hair if there is no time to wash it, and then blow dry with hot air.
Sodium bicarbonate as a neutralizer
The reaction of acid with sodium bicarbonate is a common method for neutralizing acid spills. It is often used to increase pH and, therefore, the total alkalinity of swimming pools and spas. Sodium bicarbonate can be added as a simple solution that restores the pH balance in water with high levels of chlorine. It also neutralizes battery acid.
Other uses of sodium bicarbonate
Use sodium bicarbonate in the garden to determine the acidity of the soil (if it bubbles, it is too acidic). Mix with glue to make a filling for cracks. Spread between the wet pages of a book and then dry in the sun. Mixed with boiling water, sodium bicarbonate helps to unclog drains. It is also used in fabric softener, and helps heal sores.
Sodium bicarbonate in medical applications
A bath with sodium bicarbonate eliminates vaginal yeast infections. Gargling sodium bicarbonate prevents the flu and throat infections. Take sodium bicarbonate with water as an antacid to prevent heartburn and neutralize stomach acid. Mix it with vinegar and put it on bee stings or other insect bites. Make a paste with water and sodium bicarbonate to treat ant, stingray or spider bites. Put it on the exposed skin of a poisonous wound to extract the poison and dry the wound.