Sweeteners are food additives used to sweeten our food.
For those who like to use sweeteners, there is a broader range of choices than ever before.
Some of these options are caloric sweeteners such as sugar, honey, and maple syrup, and they provide energy in the form of sugars/carbohydrates.
Others are non-caloric sweeteners – sugar substitutes that mimic the sweet taste of sugar without carbohydrates or calories.
This article examines some of the most popular sweeteners, their characteristics, and their potential pros and cons.
1) Allulose
Allulose is a sweetener usually made from corn, and it is relatively new on the market. The FDA accepted that allulose was ‘Generally Accepted As Safe’ (GRAS) for the first time in 2012.
The manufacturing process of this sweetener involves the enzymatic conversion of fructose, and the finished product tastes approximately 70% as sweet as sugar.
While manufacturers don’t have to list allulose as sugar on food labels, it must be included in the total carbohydrate listing.
Allulose acts very similar to regular table sugar, has a similar taste, and it adds bulk and even browns in the same way.
One of the main benefits of allulose is that it has zero glycemic value, and it has no impact on blood sugar or insulin levels.
On the negative side, results from human trials have demonstrated that gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, and nausea are possible from high doses of allulose.
Based on these trials, a maximum dose per serving of 0.4 grams per kilogram of body weight was established. This dose would be equivalent to 24 grams of allulose for an individual weighing 60 kilograms.
2) Aspartame
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, also known by its commercial brand names such as Nutrasweet and Equal.
This sweetener is made by combining aspartic acid and phenylalanine, both of which are amino acids.
Aspartame contains no calories, and it has a rating of zero on the glycemic index. It is also non-glycemic and non-insulinogenic.
While there are many Internet claims linking aspartame to health problems, there is very little evidence from high-quality studies to support these assertions.
However, it is worth noting that aspartame is not suitable for people with phenylketonuria. Phenylketonuria is a rare condition that impairs the absorption of the amino acid phenylalanine, causing it to build up in the body.
Key Point: Aspartame is a non-glycemic and non-caloric sweetener. While people often debate its safety profile, there is no significant evidence of harm from human trials.
3) Coconut Sugar
Coconut sugar is a caloric sweetener made by evaporating the sap from the coconut tree. A two-teaspoon serving contains 30 calories and seven grams of sugar.
This popular sugar product also manages to provide trace amounts of several minerals, such as potassium.
However, the minimal levels of nutrients in coconut sugar do not make it a nutritious choice, and more significant quantities of these nutrients are available from other foods.
Coconut sugar has a glycemic index of 54, which is lower than the GI of regular table sugar. All in all, coconut sugar is a gram-for-gram sugar replacement with a slightly lower glycemic index.
On the negative side, coconut sugar has a much higher cost than regular table sugar. Is the extra expense justified?
Key Point: Coconut sugar is similar to regular sugar, but it has the addition of some trace minerals and a slightly lower glycemic index.
4) Erythritol
Erythritol is an interesting and widely used sugar alcohol.
Sugar alcohols are a class of compounds used as sweeteners that contain a mixture of molecules found within both sugar and alcohol, hence the name ‘sugar alcohol.’ Despite this, they don’t actually contain alcohol.
Erythritol has a glycemic index of 0 and an insulinemic index of 2.
Although erythritol contains carbohydrates, they are non-digestible in the gut, and most of the compound is excreted in the urine. Hence, erythritol does not affect blood glucose levels.
Erythritol is approximately 70% as sweet as sugar. As a result, slightly extra amounts of erythritol will be necessary for an equivalent sweetness level.
Another benefit of erythritol is that it may be good for dental health because this sweetener does not harm teeth or contribute to plaque buildup. Additionally, studies have suggested that erythritol may help to decrease plaque.
On the downside, consuming high amounts of erythritol can lead to gastrointestinal distress for some individuals, including symptoms such as bloating, cramps, and gas.
Key Point: Erythritol is a non-glycemic replacement for sugar with a similar taste.
5) High-Fructose Corn Syrup
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a caloric sweetener, and its use is prevalent within the packaged and fast food industry, particularly in the United States. Although not widely used in Coca-Cola around the world, the American version of Coca-Cola is perhaps the most famous product to use HFCS.
Per tablespoon serving, HFCS contains 53 calories and 14.4 grams of sugar.
The production of this sweetener involves the enzymatic breakdown of starch in corn to form glucose. Once corn syrup has been produced, it undergoes further processing with an enzyme called glucose isomerase to partially convert the glucose into fructose.
Therefore, HFCS has a higher ratio of fructose to glucose than regular sugar. This exact fructose to glucose ratio can vary, but it is typically 55% fructose.
There have been concerns raised by some researchers over HFCS having potentially harmful effects due to its higher fructose content than regular sugar, with some speculating that this may have differential metabolic effects.
However, a systematic review that analyzed twenty-one human trials found no strong evidence to suggest that HFCS had any unique effect compared to regular sugar.
HFCS is a versatile ingredient, and it is very affordable. However, it offers little nutritional value, and it has a significant impact on blood sugar levels, particularly for people with type 2 diabetes.
Research suggests that HFCS has a similar glycemic response to regular sugar.
Key Point: High-fructose corn syrup is a liquid sugar that contains large amounts of fructose.
6) Honey
Honey is a caloric sweetener, and a tablespoon serving provides 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar.
Although honey is a significant source of sugars, it offers more nutritionally than more heavily processed sugars. This statement is particularly true for unrefined honey, which is also a source of some micronutrients and polyphenols .
Despite this, though, honey is still very high in sugar, and it is better to use it in moderation.
Honey’s glycemic score can vary depending on the exact concentration of fructose present. However, honey typically has a glycemic index of 58.
Key Point: Honey is a tasty natural sweetener that offers slightly more nutritional value compared to more refined sugars.
7) Maltitol
Maltitol is a commonly-used sugar alcohol, and it has approximately 90% of the sweetness of regular sugar.
However, unlike some other sugar alcohols, maltitol does contain carbohydrates that are partially digested. Human studies have demonstrated that approximately 34% of maltitol is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the sweetener has a glycemic index of 36.
On the positive side, despite having a lower sugar (and calorie) content, maltitol tastes just like regular sugar.
Furthermore, research suggests that maltitol may have benefits for oral health by helping to inhibit harmful bacteria. In a randomized trial featuring 153 participants, chewing maltitol-sweetened gum lowered the population of bacterial species in the mouth.
On the negative side, unlike other sugar alcohols, maltitol does raise blood-glucose levels.
In doses above 40 grams, maltitol may also cause side effects such as bloating, diarrhea, and gas. Effects such as these may be more intense for people with irritable bowel syndrome.
Key Point: Maltitol is a sugar alcohol, but it contains partially digestible carbohydrates and has an impact on blood sugar levels. However, as only 34% of maltitol digests, this impact would be less than regular sugar.
8) Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is another caloric sweetener that offers some degree of nutritional value. For instance, the syrup contains trace amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains a range of polyphenols.
As a caloric sweetener, a tablespoon serving of maple syrup provides 52 calories and 12 grams of sugar. Maple syrup has a glycemic index of 54.
Key Point: Due to its nutrient profile, maple syrup is one of the better natural sweeteners. However, it is still high in sugar.
9) Molasses (Black Treacle)
Molasses, also known as black treacle, is a thick and dark brown/black syrup.
It is a caloric sweetener, and a tablespoon serving contains 58 calories and 14.9 grams of sugar.
Interestingly, molasses is a good source of minerals and provides reasonably large amounts of manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium per serving.
However, molasses has a somewhat bitter and powerful taste, so it imparts its unique flavor on food rather than just sweetness. This flavorful nature of molasses could be positive or negative, depending on whether someone enjoys the taste. Molasses has a glycemic index of 55.
Key Point: Molasses is probably the most nutrient-dense form of sugar, but it is still sugar.
10) Monk Fruit
Otherwise known as ‘Luo han guo’ (or longevity fruit), monk fruit is native to South-East Asia.
This sugar substitute is a non-nutritive sweetener, meaning that it contains no calories or carbohydrates. As a result, monk fruit is also zero glycemic and will not spike blood sugar levels.
Monk fruit is also arguably the most ‘natural’ plant-derived sweetener when following traditional processing methods. In these processing methods, the extract is derived from dried fruit.
Interestingly, the sweet taste of monk fruit sweetener comes from several sweet-tasting compounds it contains. These compounds are called mogrosides, a class of antioxidants that have shown potential benefits in cell studies. However, evidence of benefits from human trials is lacking.
Monk fruit sweetener has been approved as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in the United States since 2010.
However, at this point, the sweetener has yet to be approved for use within the EU.
Key Point: Monk fruit is a natural sweetener which does not impact blood sugar levels.
SOURCE: https://www.nutritionadvance.com/types-of-sweeteners/
to be continued