Cancer leads to abnormal cell division in the body. Under normal circumstances, healthy cells grow and divide according to the requirements of the body. They die as they age or are damaged and fresh healthy cells replace them. Cancer inhibits this process. Old cells remain intact while new ones are generated even if the body doesn’t need them. These extra cells divide abnormally, leading to cancer. Abnormality in the white blood cells and blood plasma cells of your bone marrow and the lymph system leads to blood cancer. In this condition, the blood cells can’t function normally.
There are three major types of blood cancer: Leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma.
This type of blood cancer is characterised by excessive production of white blood cells, that are incapable of fighting infections. Leukaemia can be subdivided into four categories: Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (it affects the white blood cells of the bone marrow and spreads fast), acute myeloid leukaemia (this originates in myeloid cells, which are found in white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets and spreads fast), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (it begins in your bone marrow’s lymphocytes but spreads slowly), chronic myeloid leukaemia (it affects the myeloid cells and develops slowly).
This form of blood cancer hits your lymph system. It is a network of vessels comprising your lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland. Lymphoma originates in two types of lymphocytes: B cells (Hodgkin’s lymphoma) and T cells (Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma). This impairs your immune function and leads to swelling of the lymph nodes.
This cancer affects the plasma cells of your bone marrow. These white blood cells are responsible for making antibodies to stave off infections. Myeloma damages your bone, blood, and kidneys. The result is pain in the bone, weakening/fracture of bone, excessive calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), anaemia, bleeding, kidney failure, etc.
Although the exact cause of blood cancer is unknown, few factors can increase your risk of blood cancer. These include:
- Family history of blood cancer
- Exposure to high-frequency radiation either due to working at a nuclear reactor or due to an earlier cancer treatment
- Genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome
- Exposure to harmful chemicals like benzene
- Viral infections like HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) or EBV (Epstein Barr Virus).
- Smoking and tobacco use
- Obesity
- A weak immune system
The symptoms of blood cancer aren’t that prominent. Moreover, the physical manifestations vary depending on the type of blood cancer you have. Here are a few red flags to watch out for:
- Extreme fatigue and weakness
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Pale skin
- Chest pain
- Bruising
- Bleeding in gums
- Tiny red dots on the skin caused by broken blood vessels
- Heavy periods
- Black or blood smeared stool
- Fever and have night sweats
- Unexplained weight loss
- Pain in the bone
- Nausea accompanied by stomach pain
- Excessive thirst and urge to pain
- Constipation
- Loss of appetite
- Swollen ankles
- Itchy skin.
- Numbness and pain in your arms and legs
Consult your doctor if you experience the above-mentioned symptoms. To diagnose blood cancer, your doctor might recommend certain tests. The common diagnostic tests for blood cancer include:
Complete Blood Count test: This blood test gives your doctor a detailed information about the quantity of a particular type of blood cell in the sample. If the number of blood cells is either more or less than the normal, it might indicate blood cancer. In such cases, your doctor might recommend other tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Blood protein test: Blood cells also contain immunoglobulins, which are immune cell proteins that help you fight infection. In case of myeloma, there is an abnormal production of these cells. Hence, to determine whether you are suffering from blood cancer or not, your doctor might recommend a blood protein test.
Biopsy: If the CBC reports show an increased or decreased blood cell count or the blood protein test indicates abnormal levels of immunoglobulins, a bone marrow biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis of the blood cancer.
Additional tests like flow cytometry and cytogenetics are also carried out to diagnose the specific type of blood cancer and know the prognosis associated with them.
The treatment of blood cancer is dependent on five major factors:
- Type of cancer
- Stage of cancer
- Age of the patient
Here is a brief low-down on the various treatment options of blood cancer:
Stem cell transplantation: In this process, stem cells from the bone marrow, peripheral blood or umbilical cord are collected and infused with the healthy blood-forming cells.
Chemotherapy: It includes the use of anti-cancer drugs that inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. These drugs can be administered through an injection or orally. In some cases, chemotherapy might indicate the need to take several medications at a time. You might need to undergo chemotherapy first and then stem cell transplant in some instances.
Radiation therapy: This involves the use of radiation to destroy cancer cells and hence. A Radiation therapy can be recommended before a stem cell transplant.
As the exact cause of blood cancer is unknown, there are no specific measures for prevention. However, you can lower the risk of cancer by following a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the tips that might help:
- Make it a habit to exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
- Follow a well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
- Stay away from insecticides and herbicides, if possible.
- Avoid excessive exposure to radiation.
- Drink plenty of water (at least three litres every day).
- If you experience any vague symptom related to cancer, it is wise to discuss them with your doctor and get treated immediately.